Cletus Georges MD Briefly Talks About Common Urologic Ailments

Urologic diseases refer to an expansive range of conditions that are linked to the filtering and carrying of urine out of the body.  Such diseases can affect people of all ages and gender. Moreover, urologic diseases also affect very specific parts of the body. In females, they involve the urinary tract.  However, in case of males, these diseases might affect the urinary tract or the reproductive organ.  Any person diagnosed with a urologic disease must consult a good urologist like Cletus Georges MD for treatment.

Urinary system is quite complex and tends to include organs that are responsible for removing wastes from the body. Kidneys are the main organs of the urinary system, and are also known as excretory system.

There are many ailments that can take place in the urinary system, and even cause multiple complications. 

The website provides information on a variety of urologic diseases, including their symptoms, treatments, and possible causes. This website is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about urologic diseases.

Here are some of the common urologic ailments:

  • Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH):  This condition refers to an enlarged prostate, and develops due to the increase in the size of the prostate gland. BPH is common among elderly men, and is not connected directly to prostate cancer. The symptoms of BPH tend to be caused due to the pressure that a larger prostate can place on the urethra. The urethra basically is a narrow tube that is responsible for carrying urine from the bladder to out of the body.  Men suffering from BPH might experience a frequent urge to urinate. They can also have a weak stream of urine when they go, and feel that the bladder is not empty even after urination.
  • Urinary Incontinence: This condition refers to the loss of bladder control, and leads to an unwanted leakage of urine. While this ailment can be extremely embarrassing and inconvenient, it is also far from uncommon. There are a number of situations or conditions that can cause incontinence like diabetes, pregnancy or childbirth, overactive bladder, enlarged prostate, weak bladder muscles, as well as urinary tract infections.
  • Kidney and ureteral stones: Stones tend to develop in the kidneys when there are crystals in the urine, and small particles end up getting collected on those crystals. Ureteral stones move from the kidney into the ureter. While some stones might get naturally expelled from the body without requiring any medical assistance, larger stones can cause blockage. They can block urine flow and cause a significant amount of pain. Medical or surgical procedures can be needed in these situations for the purpose of removing large stones. Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) is one of the most commonly used techniques used in the process.

The most important aspect of any urologic condition is early detection and timely treatment. If a person feels that there is a change in their urine frequency, color, and smell, it is better that they consult a urologist like Cletus Georges MD. Delaying a diagnosis and treatment can make the issue worse, and cause further complications.