Those Reusable Custom Silicone Products Are So Good

You may have noticed a variety of colors and shapes in modern kitchen appliances. From muffin and cupcake molds to spoons and spatulas, they’ve all been made from a brightly colored, rubbery-textured material: silicone. These items, in addition to being safe, bring many advantages compared to aluminum or glass utensils. It’s the silicone form that we’re going to talk about today.

Both professional bakers and casual cooks have adopted silicone rubber in their kitchen to prepare their recipes. Therefore, you can also try it in your kitchen. In this guide, you will learn how to use it, what are the main features and, thus, decide on the form of silicone that best meets your expectations.

If you are wondering where to find and how to choose the best form of silicone for your recipes, we have the answer! You should choose Newtop Rubber, it is a company specialized in custom silicone products, with high quality and technology, they manufacture the best silicone products.

In order for you to really know all the characteristics of a silicone mold, as well as its advantages and even disadvantages, we have brought the answers to the most frequently asked questions about this product. Follow us in the next few paragraphs and we guarantee that you will safely define the ideal shape for your home.

What exactly is a form of silicone?

The shapes are made from a gum created by mixing silicone and oxygen. Many do not know, but silicone is a natural element and constitutes about 28% of the earth’s crust. The molds are manufactured by submitting the mixture to heat to mold it or by the injection process, when the melted silicone is injected into industrial molds designed for this purpose.

What advantages and benefits does the silicone form offer?

As you may have noticed, whatever the model of the silicone mold, it stands out for being non-stick, at any temperature. But that’s not the only advantage! Check out below the benefits you take home with a silicone mold:

  • Easy to clean: Because it’s flexible and non-stick, you’ll rarely need to remove food stuck in the silicone form.
  • Oil-free: As it does not contain this substance, the silicone form does not fade or tear, and can even be taken to the dishwasher.
  • Withstands extreme temperatures: Silicone is a safe substance at any temperature. As it resists cold and heat, it can go from the freezer to the oven. With this, you can bake, freeze or serve food using the same way.
  • Bake food evenly: No need to worry if the cake is browned on top but is still raw inside. As silicone does not transfer heat, food receives equal heat and is left to be subjected to heat as soon as it is removed from the oven.
  • Can be used anywhere: Because it is light and easy to store, the silicone mold can be very useful when traveling and camping.
  • Flexibility: The silicone mold, even if bent, manages to regain its shape again.
  • Durable: There’s no way to ruin a silicone mold. They don’t scratch or dent, unlike glass or aluminum shapes.
  • Use of space: Requires little space to be stored.
  • Thermal stability: Can be used in a wide range of temperatures.
  • Versatility: Goes straight from the oven to the freezer — or vice versa.
  • Non-toxic: Each form, in its manufacture, goes through a thermal process of 6 to 7 hours, which eliminates all potentially toxic residues.
  • Healthy eating: As it doesn’t need to be greased, your food can be completely free of any kind of oil, if you wish.

What to consider when using a silicone mold?

Some factors are very important and must be observed to ensure the good use of your silicone mold. It’s essential to keep them in mind whenever you use a shape. Therefore, we have prepared a list of these items.

  • Beware of the dishwasher: Even though it is dishwasher safe, it doesn’t mean that this will always be the best way to clean your silicone mold.
  • Fat difficult to remove: The molds tend to develop a thin layer of fat that can only be removed by hand washing. Soaking in a little baking soda can make cleanup easier.
  • Do not place directly on a heat source: It can be placed directly on the oven grill, but does not withstand direct contact with fire. Therefore, it cannot be used on stove burners.
  • Use a pan underneath: Using an aluminum pan or a silicone mat can help to stabilize the pan inside the oven while the food is baking.
  • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions: Make sure you have the maximum recommended temperature, as, although similar, each mold may have a different level of resistance to temperatures.
  • Do not use degreasers: To wash your mold, always use common detergent. Degreasers or multipurpose cleaners can damage the surface of the mold, alter the properties of the silicone and dispense residues into the food during preparation, altering its quality and taste.
  • Do not cut the food in shape: This care is essential. Cutting the cake while it’s still in the silicone mold can damage it. Remember that, despite being resistant and versatile, it is not impenetrable.

How to use the silicone mold to bake food?

Although it is also used in the preparation of cold foods, the silicone form is used for hot recipes most of the time. And, as it is more dangerous to handle food at high temperatures, it may be worthwhile to observe the tips that we have prepared for the proper use of its form.

  • Place the silicone mold inside another: We recommend that you place your silicone molds inside a large roast before you even pour the dough into the mold. With this, it will be easier to take your recipe to the oven — and much simpler to take it out after baking.
  • Dark molds need extra cooking time: If your pan has a darker color, you will notice that it takes longer for the food to be fully baked, as its color promotes a slight blockage of the heat passage. Generally, it is advisable to leave it in the oven for another five or ten minutes, depending on the recipe’s timing indications.
  • Cool the mold after taking it out of the oven: You will notice that the silicone mold absorbs very little heat. So, right after you take it out of the oven, it will be at room temperature. But watch out! The food takes about 45 minutes to cool completely. Be careful in handling.
  • Unmold: Wait for the food to be cold to do this procedure. Just move the sides of the silicone mold to loosen the cake.

Now that we’ve talked in detail about the silicone mold and its uses, it’s time to choose your favorite shapes. It doesn’t matter if you are a pro or just like to invent some new things at home, these tips are sure to help you make the best purchase.