Professional background check

Employment background checks are conducted by employers and owners or other professional organizations.  Most often they are used in the process of employment, but can also be realized before renting an apartment to someone or for other purposes.  If you are about to undergo an employment background check, the good news is that potential employers and other organizations are required by law to tell you this. Employment background checks are regulated by a law called the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).  Under the terms of the FCRA, employers must provide you with a disclosure form informing you of background checks and asking you to sign your consent. This disclosure form must be a separate document and distinct from other application forms or related documents.  If the employer doesn’t follow this rule or you don’t give permission, they don’t have the legal authority to do a background check for more details, u can visit

This rule means that you will never have any doubts about whether a potential employer can conduct a background check on you.  If yes, they must provide a disclosure form and ask for your consent.  Otherwise, it can be assumed that data validation will not be performed.

The FCRA also states that if you are denied a job based on the information disclosed during a background check, the employer must tell you the reasons and provide you with a copy of the background check.  If this happens and you have not consented to the review, you will have reasons to file a claim.

Other situations in which you may be subject to background checks include things like applying for a loan, applying for a credit card, or applying for housing.  In such situations, you should also be informed that a background check is currently being performed and ask for your consent.  However, this can happen at different stages of the application process, depending on the specific provider.

Public background check

Government background checks are very different from professional background checks.  They are much less formal, not subject to any rules and open to everyone. Your neighbour might be checking to see if she’s living with someone dangerous, your new girlfriend might want to check if she’s dating an axe killer, or a colleague wants to make sure he’s not going into business with a scammer. Some just run a few Google searches to see what’s going on.  But others will choose to sign up for a public background check site that offers many of the same features as professional sites.  They can also access most of the same data.